
List of Fire Chief Candidates Cut to 6

The search for a new Ventura County fire chief has narrowed to six candidates who are being interviewed by the county Board of Supervisors.

After Fire Chief George Lund’s abrupt decision to retire in March, county leaders hired a recruiting firm to search for his replacement. The firm gave the board about 20 names and resumes, and the board selected six to interview, Chief Administrative Officer Richard Wittenberg said.

Some interviews are being conducted today, and a new chief could be named as early as the end of July. Wittenberg and board members declined to name any of the candidates.


Acting Chief Robert F. Holaway, Lund’s deputy, said he was not competing for the permanent post.

Lund quit the $96,600-a-year job in March, one day after the board voted to give its special sales tax revenue to the Sheriff’s Department and district attorney’s office, rather than the Fire Department.

Lund argued that the voters who approved Proposition 172 intended the half-cent tax revenue to go to all public safety departments, not just police and prosecutors.


He also battled with the supervisors over the need to reorganize the Fire Department, which critics said was bloated with too many managers.
