
MAC ATTACK II: Koppelman may want to...

MAC ATTACK II: Koppelman may want to consult with Paramount Pictures before finalizing the McDonald’s promotions. Last year the film and TV production company offered four home videos (including Oscar-winner “Dances With Wolves”) at a big discount with a purchase through McDonald’s before they were available through conventional stores.

Tower’s Goman says that as a result of video store owners’ complaints, Paramount then also offered discounts to the retailers so that they could run their own promotions to help make up for business lost to McDonald’s.

But some video store owners reportedly took more direct action by sending their employees out to McDonald’s to get the videos, which they then resold for a profit--though still less than their usual price.


Goman says he had no plans to try that with the music deal. “I’m not going to send my employees out and make them eat hamburgers,” he says.
