
Immigration Laws

Gov. Pete Wilson is suing the federal government regarding illegal immigration, blaming them for not enforcing the immigration laws. I’m an American citizen living in Redondo beach married to an Indonesian living in Indonesia. I’m being put in a situation by the federal government to leave this country in order to be with my wife because of strict immigration laws.

With the current immigration laws regarding marriage, it is impossible to obtain a visitor visa for my wife while we are applying for residency. After three months of haggling with the INS over proper pictures my wife must submit with her application, we are still nowhere.

In order to be with my wife, I must travel to Indonesia and live with her there until this situation straightens out. I am being forced to quit my job and give up my immediate future in the U.S.A. Eventually we will be together in America, but by then all the money saved for my future will be spent waiting on a flawed bureaucratic system. Maybe when we get back here, we’ll be forced to go on welfare, one of the things the government is trying to prevent with strict immigration laws.



Redondo Beach
