
Finger of Shame Pointed at Non-Voters

* South Africans stood in line for miles, hours and days to vote for the first time. It is a disgrace that U.S. citizens who always have had that privilege to vote just don’t care.

Shame on you women who fight so hard to have your voice heard in this society, but don’t take it.

Shame on you African Americans who have been fighting hundreds of years to have your voice heard but don’t take it.


Shame on the Christian Church who God has given a responsibility and duty to the government (Romans 13) and who has given an opportunity to have your voice heard and don’t take it.

Shame on you conservatives and liberals who blame each other for the way society has become with the decline of morals and values but did not take the opportunity to make a difference and have your voice heard.

Shame on you pro-life, pro-abortionists, environmentalist, animal rights, and any other activist group who could have made a difference but chose not to have their voice heard.


Shame on you who just don’t care or are lazy, you could have made your voice heard to have the right to sit on your butt for the rest of your life.

Shame on you who feel apathy, disgust or dissatisfaction with the candidates, so you just don’t vote. Not voting is a vote for the other side, which you will probably complain about after they are voted into office.

There are no good reasons for not voting.

Shame on all of you!


Huntington Beach
