
Just How Special Is USC Hall of Fame?

Congratulations to Bob Oates (June 5) for hitting the nail on the head concerning USC’s new athletic Hall of Fame. Who are these 52 mostly younger voters who don’t realize what made USC athletics legendary to begin with? It’s too bad the average USC fan has no vote. They probably would have more insight and fewer problems remembering the era that put USC on the map.


Westlake Village


Thank you, Mr. Oates, for remembering USC football in the 1920s and 1930s.

Los Angeles has always been a Trojan town, and it will always be a Trojan town.


Van Nuys


I marvel at the fact that Oates’ indignation was directed at the inclusion of such players as O.J. Simpson and Frank Gifford, yet he was silent on the inclusion of Marv Goux, in the “special” category. Mr. Goux is pretty special, all right. From what I was able to glean from the May 5, 1982 Times, Mr. Goux sold student football tickets, leading to NCAA penalties against the Trojans. While USC may believe his motives were the purest, nevertheless it seems unusual that so many pivotal players (in Oates’ estimation) were passed over, while the man responsible for placing USC on probation was honored.


Los Angeles
