
IRVINE : Ethical Code Urged for City Employees

The City Council has directed officials to develop a code of ethics for city employees and to draft a statement that encourages workers to report waste and mismanagement at City Hall.

Councilman Greg Smith suggested the code because “the citizens of the city should look to city government for leadership in this area,” he said. “I want to make sure people have confidence that we are serving them in an ethical manner.”

Exactly what the code will contain remains unclear. City Manager Paul O. Brady Jr. drafted a code of ethics four years ago, but the council failed to pass it.


The current City Council received a copy of Brady’s code last week and is scheduled to discuss it at a future meeting.

Brady said his document covers about a dozen areas. It urges city workers to find the most economical ways to provide services, to uphold the U.S. Constitution and to treat fellow employees with respect.

The code also suggests that workers not make promises or engage in side business dealings that compromise their integrity.


Smith said he would like the code to require that the City Council be informed whenever city employees do side jobs or have financial dealings with the city beyond their regular salaries and benefits.

“Whenever you deal with employee relationships on a different level, there can be the appearance of impropriety even when everything is done to the letter of the law,” Smith said.
