
A Menendez yard sale? The Chicago lawyer...

A Menendez yard sale? The Chicago lawyer who sent L.A. County a check for $50 to aid the prosecution of the brothers from Beverly Hills has prompted another campaign.

After Charles Biggam’s contribution was reported in Only in L.A., the KFI-AM radio team of John and Ken asked listeners to start setting aside items for a yard sale to raise more funds.

“We don’t have a date set,” producer Johan Beckles said. “But the idea is we’d turn over one check from the proceeds.”


The district attorney’s office, which has its pride, later sought to distance itself from the event, saying it “is not soliciting contributions and has no connection with any attempt by the station to raise contributions for such a purpose.” In fact, a spokeswoman said the county would accept no donations.

In view of the result of the first trial, let’s hope prosecutors will at least take some free legal advice.


No Mother’s Day cards for them: While the animated children’s movies churned out by Hollywood purport to advance “family values,” an uncanny number feature a main character who has no mother, or whose mother suffers an unfortunate fate. With Mother’s Day approaching, our hearts go out to the heroes of:


--”The Little Mermaid”: No mom.

--”Bambi”: Mom snuffed out by hunter. Largely absentee Dad portrayed as hero.

--”Beauty and the Beast”: No mom for either.

--”Snow White”: Evil stepmother.

--”Cinderella”: Evil stepmother.

--”Pinocchio”: Just a stepdad (a nice one, interestingly enough).

--”Jungle Book”: Abandoned as baby to be raised by wolves.

--”Land Before Time”: Mom dies in attack by rival dinosaur.

--”Aladdin”: No mom for street rat (or princess).

--”Dumbo”: Mom sent to jail for physical assault on big-eared son’s attackers. She’d probably have been found not guilty if John and Ken had held a yard sale for her.


It must be a health food center: That was the reaction of Judi Birnberg and several other readers who spotted this supermarket sign in Monterey Park (see photo). Actually, an employee said, the name loosely translates in Chinese as “prosperous.”


Mom’s expanding power base? Walking Downtown, we were reminded of the no-doubt apocryphal story about the lowly employee of an aspirin company who was promoted to vice president decades ago for making one suggestion to the boss. He proposed back then that the company’s bottles instruct customers to take two aspirins every four hours, not one.


We thought of that tale when we saw this questionable announcement at a flower shop: “Mother’s Week--May 2-8.”

OK, it may increase profits. But don’t Bambi, Pinocchio, the Beast, et al., suffer enough this time of year?


Norm Sklarewitz noticed that Poppy Cleaners displays a sign that says: “Wedding Gowns and Leather.” Well, Poppy is located in West Hollywood.
