
SUPERMARKET SWEEPS: Legal secretary Elizabeth Anderson of...

SUPERMARKET SWEEPS: Legal secretary Elizabeth Anderson of Orange was grocery shopping with her twins when another shopper cooed that they were adorable. The woman insisted Anderson call the agent for her own twins. Result: The Anderson twins, Katie and Leslie, now 3, both appear as the AIDS child in tonight’s Hallmark Hall of Fame “A Place for Annie,” (Channel 7 at 9) about an AIDS baby. . . . It was filmed when they were 2. The agent, Marlene Peroutka, calls it “a real tear-jerker.”

HAVE A FREE RIDE: Every month is national something, and today brings National Bicycle Safety Month. Cmdr. Michael Blair of the local California Highway Patrol office says both youngsters and adults should ride with helmets. He’s got the stats to back up his concern: 130 bicycle fatalities in the state last year, and 13,600 injuries. . . . “These are far too many victims for an activity that adults associate with health and fitness, and children consider fun and safe,” Blair says.

ADD PEP: There’s a reason Sunshine Morrow, 19, had to work twice as hard to make Golden West College’s pep squad for football and basketball games--she cannot hear, which means extra effort picking up the music cues. “It’s important to let people know that deaf people can do anything,” she says. . . . Actually, all who made the squad are lucky. Next year’s squad was axed in a budget crunch. But after hearing some disappointment, President Philip Westin vows he’ll find the money somewhere to keep it going.

DOWN THE ROAD: Daihatsu America in Los Alamitos wants you to know more about Japan than just its cars. The Japanese-based truck importer on Monday will donate 50 two-volume sets of “Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia” to schools in Brea and Los Alamitos, for use in world culture and Japanese language programs. . . . They’re much needed, says Masako White, who teaches Japanese at Brea Olinda High School: “It is difficult for my students to find research materials on Japan.”
