
Sen. David Roberti

* Congratulations to state Sen. David Roberti (D-Van Nuys) for his win (“Roberti Defeats Recall Effort by Solid Margin,” April 13). As for the National Rifle Assn. lobby, its gloating over “wounding” Roberti has this effect on me: Can I have the address to send campaign contributions for Roberti? A man with that much grit and courage deserves my support.



* What a great night! Starting from nothing and against Roberti reputedly spending over $590,000 and all the media parroting his fairy tales, we got twice the vote he predicted we would and we made sure this was the last time a charlatan like him will ever hold public office. And we, a pack of rank amateurs, did it all on a shoestring. Next time we won’t be learning on the job, we will be better financed and we will win.

Please, please, everybody now sign the ballot initiative to outlaw political contributions and loans from outside the constituency to cut off the special interest money that is so corrupting the system. Let’s make sure it’s on the November ballot so that the political cleanup really can begin in earnest!




* I’m unalterably opposed to Roberti’s stand on gun control and just about everything else, yet I voted against his recall. Why? Because differing views should not be considered justification for a recall attempt. Talk about slippery slopes and unwarranted precedents.

Of course gun control is a “hotter” issue than mine; but isn’t it time we begin to use our brains and not our emotions, and put emphasis on the true issues rather than escalating the false just because we want to arouse those emotions to have our own way?


North Hollywood
