
‘Save Our State’ From Harold Ezell

* I hope we can “save our state” from the overzealous enthusiasm of Harold Ezell (Orange County Platform, April 7) who would defend us from the nonexistent danger of hordes of illegal immigrants in our voting booths.

The right to vote is fundamental to freedom and democracy. Ease of registration is the key to exercising that right. The value of our right to vote is not enhanced by registration procedures so restrictive that they shut eligible citizens out of the voting process.

Of course it is possible for non-citizens like the alleged assassin of Mexican presidential candidate Colosio to fill out a registration form because they misunderstand the citizenship requirement or they are bold enough to risk the penalty for lying under oath. But most illegal immigrants want to keep a very low profile and avoid unnecessary contact with governmental agencies.


Our problem in California, and the rest of the nation as well, is not that a few who are not eligible do vote, but that almost half of those who are eligible citizens do not.


Voting Rights Director

League of Women Voters of California

