
Plan for Sports Fields in Basin Due Study


Over the objections of bird-watchers and other environmentalists, a city panel has agreed to consider replacing a sod farm in Sepulveda Basin with lighted softball and soccer fields.

Movie producer Les Greif and the Showbiz Softball League have proposed building five softball fields, four basketball courts, a snack stand and other facilities on a 56.5-acre site on the west side of Balboa Boulevard, just north of the Los Angeles River. Proponents said the city would get about 15% of the profits, or about $288,000 annually, primarily in user fees.

Currently, the city does not earn any revenue from the property, which is owned by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Valley Sod pays the Corps $91,800 annually to rent 36 acres of the land. If the project were developed, the city would lease the land from the Corps for a nominal fee and sublease it to Showbiz Softball League.


Citing the dearth of sports facilities in San Fernando Valley, the Recreation and Parks Commission agreed Wednesday to hire a consultant to study the proposal. Councilwoman Laura Chick, who represents the area, supported the decision.

“It’s worth at least looking at--we’re not saying (Chick) is going to support it,” said Diana Brueggemann, Chick’s senior legislative deputy.

Brueggemann said the councilwoman is also sympathetic to the concerns of wildlife enthusiasts, who argue that migratory waterfowl such as Canada geese rely on the site to forage during the winter months.


“Piecemeal development has ruined the basin’s ability to sustain wildlife,” said Peter Ireland, president of the Coalition to Save Sepulveda Basin. “There’s no way that that section of the basin near the Los Angeles River could continue to function as a wildlife corridor if they start blasting stadium lights.”

The study is expected to be completed by early fall and will be followed by public hearings.
