
Assimilation Breaks Cultural Barriers

* I am responding to your article, “Activists Stress Chicano Studies, Concerted Push for More Latino Teachers,” (Feb. 20).

I am a first-generation American whose family migrated legally in the early 1900s from northern Europe. Our family embraced the opportunities and education available to everyone. I just can’t imagine them demanding their culture and language to be superimposed over the history and language of their adopted country.

I am sick and tired of a few whiners (40) who attended a conference at Cal State Fullerton that want more teachers from Mexico.


They also cry that it is hard for Chicanos to succeed in college because of a cultural barrier.

Don’t they realize the cultural barrier exists because the Chicano students have put it up themselves because they insist on their Mexican history, their language and their culture and reject the American culture.

I must remind them of the millions who have migrated to America and have assimilated and yet retain their own culture without demanding to change or pull down our American culture.


I would also advise the young male student to listen up in his college classes. The syllabus is not passed out to blond, blue-eyed students only.

From my own college experiences, the instructor handed them out to everyone and went over it in excruciating detail.

I am angry at The Times, which gives a quarter page for a handful of troublemakers. I am also angry at the administrators who cave in to terrorist tactics from Chicano activists like MEChA.


Taxpayers better wake up and demand that our education institutions teach the American story that includes all people in relationship to their contribution regardless of their country of origin, hire the best qualified teachers regardless of their nationality and teach all classes in English only.


Los Alamitos
