
Possibilities Abound in Likely Manning Trade

Clipper General Manager Elgin Baylor has been directed to trade Danny Manning by owner Donald T. Sterling, a source says, although they may take it down to Thursday’s 6 p.m. PST deadline.

These are the best of the known options:

Hawks--They’re offering Dominique Wilkins, 34, and also about to become a free agent. Sterling likes it, but Baylor doesn’t. Unless the owner pulls rank, it’s dead.

Heat--Miami offered Glen Rice before the season, but now it’s Harold Miner plus Grant Long or John Salley. The Clippers aren’t interested.


Trail Blazers--The Clippers can have Terry Porter or Harvey Grant plus James Robinson or Tracy Murray, plus “other considerations,” such as Portland taking little-used Randy Woods off the Clippers’ hands. Still on the table.

Magic--The Clippers can have Dennis Scott and Anthony Avent, plus Anthony Bowie or Todd Lichti, plus two No. 1 picks, one of which would be the choice Orlando gets from Seattle this spring. The Magic will also take Woods. The Clippers don’t like it, but it’s still on the table.

Knicks--They want to work a three-way deal with Sacramento: The Clippers get Lionel Simmons and Rolando Blackman; the Kings get Anthony Mason and Hubert Davis; the Knicks get Manning. Still on the table.


Rockets--They were willing to give up their starting forwards, Otis Thorpe and Robert Horry, but owner Les Alexander couldn’t get a signal from Manning’s agent, Ron Grinker, and pulled back.

Hornets--They offered any combination of their players except Alonzo Mourning and Larry Johnson. The Clippers weren’t interested.
