
TUSTIN : Residents’ Group to Endorse Incumbents

A group active in local politics will support council members Leslie Anne Pontious and Charles E. Puckett in their bids for second terms on the City Council.

Carl Kasalek, president of TRAC, or Tustin Residents Action Committee, said that his group decided to support Pontious and Puckett after interviewing the four candidates in the April 12 municipal election.

Businessman Michael Doyle and Tracy Worley, a member of the city’s Parks and Recreation Commission, are challenging Pontious and Puckett for their seats on the five-member council.


“Tustin is financially sound, and we feel Leslie and Chuck have been part of this success,” Kasalek said. “Any major changes may negatively affect this direction.”

TRAC is composed of 15 residents who head local homeowners associations or are active in community organizations, Kasalek said.

In supporting these two candidates, they do not represent their respective homeowners associations, he said.


TRAC, which was formed in 1988, also supported Pontious and Puckett when they ran for the council in 1990, he said.

Earlier this month, the police and city employees unions endorsed Doyle and Worley, who also have gotten the support of Mayor Jim Potts.

Several candidates’ forums have been scheduled to give the voters a chance to assess the candidates.


The Tustin Meadows Community Assn. will hold a forum at 7:30 p.m. March 16 at the west clubhouse on 14702 Devonshire Ave.

Another forum sponsored by the Tustin Chamber of Commerce will be held at 7 p.m. March 30 in council chambers.

The American Assn. of University Women will also hold a forum at 7 p.m. April 5 in council chambers.
