
Rohrabacher’s Stand on Immigrants

* Regarding Antonio Asasta Sweet’s diatribe, (Letters, Feb. 6): He writes that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) is a racist and is dehumanizing and criminalizing a whole population! What tommyrot. Rohrabacher has never referred to American citizens (as Acosta wrote he became) in his efforts for justice, only to illegal immigrants in this country. Acosta Sweet is the one who has his facts incorrect. Congrats, Acosta Sweet, on being a wage-earner, professional and “educated.” Is this how we are rewarded for giving citizenship and educating people that come from other countries?

There are too many people like Acosta Sweet jumping on the word racism as soon as illegal immigrants are mentioned.

We need more Dana Rohrabachers representing our districts.


Costa Mesa
