
The Bargain Hunter’s Emporium

Talk about one-stop shopping.

At Orrill’s Auction House, customers from around Los Angeles bid on an ever-changing variety of merchandise ranging from refrigerators to plastic poinsettias.

The bidding gets started at 10 a.m. every Tuesday, when 70-year-old auctioneer and owner Jack Orrill takes the podium.

The first items to go are small--table linens, dishes, knickknacks, antique records, costume jewelry and books. Merchandise is moved methodically down a series of long display tables. The first bids, which can be as low as $2, are called out. Then, the real wheeling and dealing begins.


“It’s a constant explosion of household items from peoples’ homes,” said Kevin Ross, who has worked at the weekly auction for more than 20 years.

As the day progresses, competition for dining room tables, sofas, appliances, bed frames, mattresses and other larger items becomes fierce.

The pace is nonstop--the auction continues until virtually all items are sold. Anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 pieces move through the store on any given day. Items are sold in “as is” condition, and a $20 minimum deposit is required to enter the auction. A cash-and-carry policy is also enforced.


Orrill’s, which opened in 1925, is a landmark in this West Adams neighborhood. Today, it is still family-owned and operated by Orrill, his sons and a full-time staff of 15.

Merchandise is acquired from a variety of sources, including private stocks, estate sales and abandoned items from storage facilities. A lot of preparation is required before each auction. Staff members check-in and tag all items in an elaborate processing system. Things that do not sell one week are recycled to the next week.

Many bidders consider the auction a social event, showing up week after week.

“A lot of nice people come here,” said Culver City resident Carolyn Baxter, a collector of Depression-era glass and old linens. “It’s fun and interesting and you find some neat stuff. . . . It just depends on what you are interested in.”


Orrill’s, 1920 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles. (310) 277-7373. Preview hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Auctions are held each Tuesday beginning at 10 a.m.
