
WESTMINSTER : School Boundary Plans Up for Review

The Westminster School district will hold a public meeting tonight to discuss a newly revised plan to alter school attendance boundaries for the 1994-95 school year, district officials said.

Recent changes to the plan, which Supt. Gail Wickstrom proposed Feb. 3, will primarily affect students now attending Ada E. Clegg, James W. Franklin and Cecil B. DeMille elementary schools. Parents of students at those campuses are encouraged to attend the public meeting at 7 p.m., spokeswoman Audrey Brown said.

Neomia B. Willmore Elementary will reopen in September, and Wickstrom has recommended that the district close Virginia K. Boos and James W. Franklin elementary schools for financial and student enrollment reasons. As a result, the district must shift attendance boundaries to balance enrollment throughout the southwest portion of the district, Brown said.


The latest proposed boundary revisions are intended to eliminate busing while maintaining schools’ enrollment at acceptable levels. Under the plan, students now attending Virginia K. Boos and Franklin would be able to walk to their new school. Also, some Clegg and DeMille students now bused from the Land School neighborhood would attend C. Fred Schroeder Elementary School, Brown said.

Tonight’s meeting will be held at Clegg, 6311 Larchwood Drive, in Huntington Beach.

A public hearing on the proposal will be held Thursday at Stacey Intermediate School, 6311 Larchwood Drive, in Huntington Beach. The Board of Education is expected to make a decision on whether to approve Wickstrom’s proposal or adopt an alternative boundary plan on March 3.
