
OXNARD : District Asked to Pay for Track, Snack Bar

Saying the school district may have to spend money to make money, a booster club has asked Oxnard school officials to foot the bill for an all-weather track and snack bar at the new Oxnard High School.

The Oxnard High School Athletics Booster Club has asked the Oxnard Union High School District to pay $175,000 for the track and an additional $200,000 for a snack bar on condition that the parent group raise funds to repay all of the construction costs.

The booster club previously agreed to raise $500,000 to build the track, snack bar and field house at the new campus, scheduled to open in January.


But club leaders told the school board last week that the track and snack bar would help them reach their fund-raising goals.

The club could earn money through the track by charging fees for statewide and regional track and field competitions, Booster Club President Larry Bumpus told the school board last week. And the snack bar would generate revenues from refreshment sales.

School officials agreed to consider borrowing money to finance the track and possibly the snack bar, but they said the district must be cautious about taking on additional loans for the new school.


The school district is already borrowing $6.2 million to help pay for construction of the school, including $1.2 million for a football stadium and swimming pool.
