
JUST THE FACTS : Motorcycle Meandering

Mere mention of the word motorcyclist is apt to conjure up an image of a leather-clad loner roaring off into the sunset. However, it’s more than likely that he or she is bound for one of America’s top vacation spots, according to a poll of 1,600 enthusiasts that identified motorcyclists’ top 10 destinations in 1993. They are, in order a preference:

1) Grand Canyon

2) Sturgis, S.D. (site of an annual rally)

3) St. Louis, Mo.

4) Denver, Colo.

5) San Francisco

6) Rapid City, S.D.

7) Las Vegas

8) Milwaukee, Wis.

9) Albuquerque, N. M.

10) Yellowstone National Park

Source: Motorcycle Industry Council
