
L. A. Has Suddenly Become More Civilized

* The other morning I was out running as I usually do, and as sometimes happens, I needed to use a restroom. Normally, I would have to wait until arriving home. Imagine my surprise when I looked over to the other side of the street and observed portable toilets by the dozen. They were even very clean. How civilized Los Angeles has suddenly become.

I have been involved with the Canoga Park community in a number of capacities. Twice over the past several years, I have made an effort to provide toilet facilities at sites used heavily by homeless people and day laborers. I heard many excuses as to why they could not be provided--chiefly because of their visual impact.

Now we have them by the thousand, at every park and public facility in the Valley. I hear no complaints. This basic human service should be available at all times to all people.



Canoga Park
