
SAN CLEMENTE : Border Check Stops Net Drug Seizures

Federal agents seized more than $430,000 worth of narcotics within a span of three hours at the San Clemente Border Patrol checkpoint, authorities said Thursday.

The first seizure occurred at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday when a 25-year-old man riding in a rental car began acting nervous while crossing the checkpoint, said Border Patrol agent Ted Swofford.

Agents discovered 7.6 pounds of cocaine valued at more than $228,000 when they pulled the car over to interview the passenger, Raul Quintero-Martinez, and the car’s 31-year-old driver, Raul Valdez-Quintero.


“Canine units ran around the car and alerted agents,” Swofford said. “The cocaine was found hidden in the rear door panel.”

Less than three hours later, agents pulled over 21-year-old Chester Armstrong, of San Diego, as he prepared to cross the checkpoint at 6:20 p.m., Swofford said.

“The driver stopped the car before the stop sign and when he was waved forward, he didn’t want to cross,” Swofford said. “Then, when he was asked to pull over, he took off.”


Armstrong stopped about 100 yards away from the checkpoint and allowed agents to check the contents of his trunk, where they discovered 254 pounds of marijuana valued at more than $203,000, Swofford said.

All three men were arrested on suspicion of transporting drugs to sell, Swofford said. They are being held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in San Diego.
