
710 Freeway: Traffic Woes and Historic Homes

I am writing in response to Michael J. Messina’s letter. I am not a member or former member of any committee nor have I ever held any political office.

I cannot come up with a solution as witty as his to solve the traffic problem, but I do know one thing: Building or extending freeways has never solved traffic problems. It only means more traffic!

I also cannot believe that Messina is so naive that he thinks (the proposed extension of the 710 Freeway) will not devastate a major part of South Pasadena. I am sure that if Messina’s home were in South Pasadena, he would be fighting tooth and nail to make certain that the freeway not go through.


I am not a crazed “zealot.” I am just a concerned citizen trying to make sure that South Pasadena does not end up like so many cities with freeways running through them. The cities Messina mentioned are indeed nice, except for the areas that the freeway runs through.

This is not a temporary inconvenience. This is permanent and total. You cannot put back the historical homes that are in the way of this “benefit.” In this case, more is not better. More freeway only means more problems later on. What city and what house is next? Maybe yours, Mr. Messina.


