
Above the Crowd

Knowing KTLA’s Jennifer York is flying above L.A. in the Channel 5 helicopter every morning is like having a guardian angel looking after us. She is one of the main reasons I religiously watch the “KTLA Morning News.” She deserves a great deal of credit--and an Emmy--for her coverage of the Northridge earthquake and its impact on traffic conditions.

Bob Canning, Burbank

Mad About Hunt

It’s about time Helen Hunt (“Mad About You,” NBC) was recognized as the fine comedian that she is. (During the Jan. 22 Golden Globes Awards show on TBS, Hunt won best actress in a comedy series.)

Sid Lazarow, Orange

More Van Patten History

Regarding Dick and Joyce Van Patten (Just Asking, TV Times Jan. 16): Joyce actually appeared with Dick back in the ‘30s--and didn’t wait until the ‘50s. I know because they both acted with me in a play titled “Come Home to Roost,” playing my children. They were about 6 and 4--and totally beguiling.


Philip Truex, Carlsbad

Van Dyke Makes Three

Carroll O’Connor and Andy Griffith, two outstanding veteran actors whose shows have run the gamut from early sitcoms to high-level drama, now can be joined by a third--Dick Van Dyke. He is excellent and affable in his role of doctor/sleuth in CBS’ “Diagnosis Murder.”

Gary Traxler, Oxnard
