
City Hall News : ELSEWHERE

ALHAMBRA: Mayor Barbara A. Messina will hold the first of a series of meetings with the community to talk about how City Hall works. The meeting will be at 7:30 tonight at City Hall.

The City Council has agreed to replace the Fire and Police departments’ dispatch system with one that will allow officers to use computer terminals to get information on suspects and their records.

BRADBURY: Former City Manager Aurora (Dolly) Vollaire, 54, pleaded not guilty Friday to six felony counts relating to the alleged use of city money for personal items. A pretrial hearing was set for March 18.


DIAMOND BAR: The City Council will spend $60,000 to keep the town’s branch of the county library open two more days a week through June. Beginning Feb. 14, the library will be open Thursdays and Saturdays, in addition to Monday through Wednesday.

GLENDORA: After 10 months of negotiations, the Glendora City Council approved a three-year police contract. Officers will receive an extra $33 dollars a month to pay for medical benefits for 1994. Increases in benefits and salary over the next two years will depend on a salary survey of 10 police departments across the valley.
