
VILLA PARK : Traffic Laws Will Be Enforced at Center

Orange County sheriff’s deputies soon will have the authority to cite vehicles in the Villa Park Shopping Center for violating basic traffic laws.

The City Council last week unanimously voted to implement rules of public roads in the shopping center’s parking lot after customers complained of drivers who speed, fail to stop at stop signs and drive recklessly.

Authorities will begin enforcing the California Vehicle Code prohibiting speeding, speeding contests and reckless driving when city officials post signs in the center warning drivers of the new law in the private parking lot. The signs are expected to be posted within weeks, city officials said.


Currently, people who violate speeding and other traffic laws in the center cannot be cited.

“If people violate the traffic laws now, they will get ticketed or their cars will get towed away,” City Manager Fred Maley said.

Jim Brodsky, owner of the Villa Park Pharmacy and Fountain in the center, said he was happy about the new law. He said he has sent several customers who complain of speeders to City Hall, which also is in the center, to tell city officials about their worries.


The new rule “will stop people from speeding through here,” Brodsky said.
