
Decrying Censorship

Regarding Coleen Ary’s letter regarding birth control education (Jan. 15), I have only this to say: Coleen, you just don’t get it.

This is not an issue of birth control; it is an issue of control, period. We students are “angry” all right, but it is not merely against your group’s desire to deny birth control education to us. It is against your group’s desire to censor education itself.

Censoring birth control information is the beginning of banning books, inclusion of prayer in schools and other acts of censorship supporting the views of religious extremists seeking to control public education nationwide.


Now, you may not be impressed by the sight of 48 students waiting until after midnight to voice their concerns about life and death issues. But to some, the action was unprecedented. We got our support, we worked hard, and we kept focused on our motto: “It’s censorship, stupid.”


Simi Valley

Travis Moon is a member of the Alliance for Student Empowerment.
