
ALTERNATIVE ROUTES: Severe road damage during Monday’s...

ALTERNATIVE ROUTES: Severe road damage during Monday’s earthquake produced a surge in demand for Thomas Bros. guides, a spokesman for the Irvine company says. In addition to commuters searching for alternative routes, bulk orders have come in from ambulance companies. . . . The company may put out a supplement to help drivers through the quake-affected areas. Says a spokesman: “We’re trying to take our time, yet react as quickly as possible, to make sure things are correct.”

LIVING THE HELL: Leon Leyson of Fullerton agrees with critics who praise the historical accuracy of Steven Spielberg’s Holocaust movie, “Schindler’s List.” He should know. . . . Leyson was among the 1,100 Jewish factory workers whose lives were saved by German industrialist Oskar Schindler (E1). Leyson was 14 when the war ended, and among the youngest on the list. But he credits his mother as his real hero in those difficult days: “She was a magician. She could make the most delicious soup out of nothing.”

FLAG WAVING: Ever see those pro golfers on TV win a new car for scoring a hole in one? The Huntington Beach Fourth of July Board will give you a chance to top them: A $1-million payoff this summer for whoever gets a hole in one in a final competition at Meadowlark Golf Course. Your $5 entry goes toward the city’s fireworks plans. . . .The city should come out ahead, even if someone wins the million: The fireworks board pays just $3,500 for insurance against the chance of such a long shot happening.
