
UCI’s Baker Says, ‘We’re Headed Toward a Strike’

UC Irvine Coach Rod Baker, among those who consider Monday’s vote by NCAA Division I representatives rejecting a proposal to increase men’s basketball scholarships a slap in the face of black athletes, said Tuesday that “we’re headed toward a strike.”

Baker, who talked with other Black Coaches Assn. members Tuesday, said no timetable for a strike is in place, although Saturday has been mentioned in a number of media reports. Irvine is scheduled to play at Nevada Saturday night.

“We’re going to do something,” Baker said. “I’m not of the belief that Saturday is necessarily the day, but something has to be done.”


Irvine Athletic Director Dan Guerrero, in San Antonio for the NCAA convention, said he talked with Baker on Tuesday but had not made any contingency plans.

“Is it just a case of the coach not going to coach? Or will a game not be played?” Guerrero said. “I think it’s premature to discuss strategy at this point.”
