
THOUSAND OAKS : City Planning Panel Gets New Chairman

Vowing to make meetings shorter, friendlier and even entertaining, Irving Wasserman has taken over the chairmanship of Thousand Oaks’ five-member Planning Commission.

Marilyn Carpenter, who has served on the Planning Commission for three years, moved into the vice chairman’s seat.

As head of the Planning Commission, which reviews all proposed development, Wasserman said he hopes to encourage public participation, in part by wrapping up the Monday evening meetings before midnight.


“I realize that each chairman before me has set out this same goal and not gotten very far, but I’m going to work very hard for shorter, crisper meetings,” Wasserman said.

“We want people to enjoy coming to the meetings.”

Wasserman, a self-employed management consultant, said he hopes to boost the panel’s credentials by arranging for all planning commissioners to attend educational seminars or take field trips to key development sites across the region.

The Planning Commission’s next big task will be evaluating the city’s General Plan, which maps out development projections and goals for the next several decades. Other important issues up for discussion soon include a wetlands protection ordinance and a tree preservation program.
