
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


* SUPER SUNDAY FUND-RAISER: Approved a proposal by Councilwoman Ruth Galanter waiving $9,200 in city permit fees to allow the installation of 200 street banners announcing the annual Super Sunday fund-raiser by the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles. The fund-raiser will be held Feb. 6.

* EROSION PROBLEMS: Approved spending $4,600 to hire a contractor to remove debris and prevent further erosion problems near Jewett and Ridpath drives north of Sunset Drive. Rainstorms last year washed down a large amount of soil from Jewett Drive, an unpaved hillside street, into a back yard on Ridpath.


* WESTMINISTER PARK: Approved spending $500 in public service money from Galanter’s district fund to help pay operating expenses for the Westminister Park Design Project in Venice. The project is sponsored by the USC School of Architecture.

* BICYCLE LOCKERS: Approved the construction of bicycle lockers on the premises of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority at 2489 Fairfax Ave. for public use. The city’s aim is to encourage bus patrons commuting short distances to use bicycles instead of cars. Eighteen lockers will cost approximately $1,000 each to purchase and install.

* GUNS: Councilman Marvin Braude requested that the council support a federal proposal to curb gun violence by hiking the license fees for gun dealers and increasing the number of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms inspectors, as well as the bureau’s computer record-keeping capabilities. Under the proposal, the annual licensing fee for gun dealers would rise to $600 from $30.



* VENDING: Approved a proposal legalizing street vending on a trial basis in eight special districts in the city. The two-year Pilot Sidewalk Vending Program will not be established until the vendors have completed a permit procedure. PASSED: 10-0.

VOTING YES: Braude, John Ferraro, Galanter, Jackie Goldberg, Mark Ridley-Thomas and Zev Yaroslavsky.

VOTING NO: Nate Holden.

* REWARD: Approved a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the people responsible for about 30 ambush attacks and assaults in the past six months against city firefighters. PASSED: 14-0.


VOTING YES: Braude, Ferraro, Galanter, Goldberg, Holden, Ridley-Thomas and Yaroslavsky.
