
SIMI VALLEY : City Reduces Midday Fares on Bus Routes

Hoping to boost ridership and cut down on smog, the city of Simi Valley has cut midday fares back to 1989 rates on its four fixed bus routes.

Starting this week, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., regular fares have been reduced from 75 cents to 50 cents. The fare for senior citizens and disabled riders will drop from 25 cents to 20 cents.

The reduction will remain in place at least until May, when the City Council will decide whether to keep the midday special in place, Simi Valley Transit Administrator Ray Turpin said.


Ridership has increased steadily over the past five years, Turpin said. In fiscal year 1991-92, the most recent year for which figures are available, riders took about 360,000 trips on the system.

“Our ridership has improved each year,” Turpin said. “We’re just looking to further stimulate the process and bring on some new riders.”

Fares on the 22-year-old system have never been cut, Turpin said. Fares were last increased five years ago.


The system, which operates from about 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., runs throughout the city and to Chatsworth.
