
LETTERS IN VIEW : Coping and Caution in an Era of Crime

Regarding your article in View, “Fear Is Starting to Run Our Lives” (Dec. 21): I think Los Angeles Police Sgt. Christopher West’s idea of providing free maps of Los Angeles County showing the locations of all police stations is a most creative and commendable idea.

Would it be possible for the telephone companies to provide fold-out and detachable maps in all Los Angeles County telephone directories? This would at least provide maps for people with phones.

For those without phones, West’s unit will need sponsors to have maps printed and distributed. He is absolutely right: “The police can’t be everywhere, and some things we’ve got to do for ourselves.”



Woodland Hills


I was the victim of an armed robbery in the late ‘70s in which I had to lie on the floor and a shotgun was placed against the back of my head. Needless to say, I was struck with fear and remained fearful for days afterward.

From this experience, I adopted defensive attitudes that those in your article are now discovering. It may not be healthy to some, but to me defensiveness is very psychologically healthy, as is survival. To even think one can live life today as life is portrayed on a TV show from the ‘50s is unhealthy and unrealistic.

It is a tragedy that crime dictates our lives, but until society changes for the better, to live without caution is foolish.



Los Angeles


Like many others who have lived here a long time, I can remember how good it was to live in Los Angeles.

When I was a child, my mother would take me to MacArthur Park in the evening. We would go for a boat ride and take a stroll around the lake.

How enjoyable it was. We would stay until 10 p.m. and never have any concern about crime. Today, most people wouldn’t feel safe there in broad daylight.


What is the long-range prognosis for Los Angeles? We are caught in a vicious circle. Politicians tell us they don’t have any more money to fight crime, but it is crime that is driving people out of Los Angeles and they are taking their tax dollars with them.

Public safety must be the No. 1 budgetary priority if Los Angeles is to ever again become the city we all once loved so much.


