
Glendora : Police Contract Negotiations

Talks between the Glendora Police Officers Assn. and the city over a new contract continue to be at an impasse, pending a scheduled resumption next month.

Issues include hiring extra officers, participation in the state retirement system and a guaranteed salary review after three years.

“We’re far apart on reaching an entire package,” Deputy City Manager Culver Heaton said of the negotiations stalled since the contract expired June 30. “We’re trying our best to address the (officers’) needs and still maintain an adequate level of service to the community at a time when the city is having to draw down on its reserves in order to balance the budget,” which he said has a $750,000 deficit.


But association President Gino Domico argued that the city has money, pointing to a $25,000 performance bonus that was distributed to city department heads about a year ago. Domico also pointed out that the city recently doubled the overnight parking fine to $30.

At least eight extra officers are needed because Glendora has the lowest officer-to-citizen ratio of 12 San Gabriel Valley cities surveyed by the association, Domico said. The study pegged Glendora’s ratio at 1.07 officers per 1,000 citizens compared with the U.S. average of 2.10.

“We’re trying to handle this professionally and keep the emphasis on the safety of the citizens. A strike will not serve that purpose,” association Vice President Jamie Caldwell said.


Talks are to resume Dec. 8 with a state mediator present.
