
Tujunga Wash Should Be Saved From Bulldozer

* Mr. John Crandell is to be commended for his excellent article “Natural Selection” (Valley Commentary, Oct. 3), and you are to be commended for printing it.

Mr. Crandell has come up with a neat solution to the problem of saving Big Tujunga Wash by restoring it instead of the Los Angeles River below the Elysian Narrows, which would be a much costlier endeavor.

If Tujunga Wash is not saved, it would be destroyed to make room for a private golf course. A whole ecosystem of rare alluvial scrub habitat would be plowed under. A beautiful area would go the way of the wetlands, the redwoods and the prairie grasses.


I hope that Mr. Crandell’s article will wake up our officials to the tragedy that may happen in Tujunga wash before the spineflowers and other alluvial scrub plants and animals succumb to the bulldozer’s blade.


La Crescenta
