
A summary of selected City Hall actions this past week affecting Central Los Angeles.


* LIQUOR STORE: Upheld the findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, which imposed several conditions on the operation of a liquor store at 1430 Martin Luther King Blvd. that nearby residents consider a nuisance to the neighborhood. One condition prohibits the use of advertising on windows that would block the visibility of the police into the store. Another condition--designed to discourage the sale of single cups--only allows the sale of cups if they are in packages.

* PARK FACE LIFT: Approved an agreement with the state and federal government that provides $152,018 to rehabilitate Hollenbeck Park in Boyle Heights. The money will be used to install picnic tables, turf, landscaping, irrigation and walkways.

* WATTS CITY HALL: Approved a proposal allowing two police traffic officers to use an office in the Watts City Hall, 1513 E. 103rd St., in the Watts Civic Center. The officers investigate all traffic accidents in the southern portion of city.


* ACTION RUN AND WALK: Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas is requesting that several streets near the Coliseum be closed from 6 to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 7 for the annual Minnie Riperton Cancer Action Run and Walk. An estimated $4,449 in permit fees and salary would be absorbed by the city if the request is granted. Riperton was a pop singer who died of breast cancer in 1979.


How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues. * HUMAN RELATIONS: Approved a proposal expanding the size of the Human Relations Commission from nine to 11 members. Mayor Richard Riordan is requested to fill the new positions with members of major ethnic groups not currently represented on the commission. Councilman Mike Hernandez had complained that there were no representatives from the Latino community. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre, Hernandez, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Rudy Svorinich Jr. and Rita Walters. Absent: Jackie Goldberg and Nate Holden.

* RESCUE: Approved spending $28,000 to upgrade the Fire Department’s Swift Water Rescue Program, which saves people who fall into flood channels. An equipment manufacturer will lend the department six jet-powered personal watercraft units to use in the program. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Alatorre, Hernandez, Ridley-Thomas, Svorinich and Walters. Absent: Goldberg and Holden.


* WATER: Approved a proposal allowing limited recreational fishing and establishing rules to protect the water in the Haiwee Reservoir, which is an open reservoir for the Eastern Sierra water supply coming to Los Angeles by covered aqueduct. The reservoir is about 28 miles south of Lone Pine. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Alatorre, Hernandez, Ridley-Thomas, Svorinich and Walters. Absent: Goldberg and Holden.
