
Sudan Military, Rebels Accused of Atrocities

<i> Associated Press</i>

Amnesty International on Wednesday accused all three factions in the civil war in southern Sudan of rape, torture and destroying entire villages, and said most of those killed were civilians.

The report by the London-based human rights group blamed Sudan’s military and two factions of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army equally for massacres and other atrocities that have forced 3 million people to flee their homes.

“The flagrant violation of human rights . . . has created famine and dependency on food relief,” Amnesty International said. “Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives through illness, food shortage or deliberate assault.”


Southern Sudan, the size of Texas and populated by black Christians and animists, has been at war against the Arab Muslim-dominated central government almost since the country’s independence from Britain and Egypt in 1956.
