
Why Put a Day-Care School in Public Alley?

* As homeowners who live in the Keswick Street-Louise Avenue area, we recognize the need and necessity of day-care schools, but does one back a day-care school for 24 children when it is to be placed in a dangerous public alley which would be to the detriment of small preschool children?

Councilwoman Laura Chick seems to think so. She is backing a day-care center no matter what the consequences!

A day-care school at 17304 Keswick St. would mean small children ages 2 to 6 would be dropped off in the public alley at the rear property of the home at 7 a.m. each morning, and picked up at 6 p.m. each evening.


Councilwoman Chick was given a petition from the neighborhood signed by 150 homeowners and business people who strongly oppose the day-care center.

With all the warnings as to the potential danger of a day-care school at this location, she is still proceeding ahead to back the school.

Is a day-care school more important than the safety of a human life?


