
Panel OKs Trash Bill Despite Opposition

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Despite objections by the city of Oxnard, the State Assembly Ways and Means Committee on Thursday approved legislation that would form a waste authority in Ventura County.

Oxnard lobbyist Michael Arnold argued to the committee that the authority, which would have countywide power to direct trash disposal but would require membership of only seven of the 10 cities in Ventura County, could be detrimental to cities that choose not to join.

Sen. Cathie Wright (R-Simi Valley), acknowledged that Oxnard did not support the bill, but said compromises had been reached to satisfy the concerns of other cities.


Wright sponsored the bill to consolidate many of the functions of county’s Solid Waste Management Departments and the Ventura Regional Sanitation District.

Earlier in the week, Wright and Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpinteria) met with Supervisor Maggie Kildee to forge an amendment to the bill that will protect the jobs of 65 union employees at the two agencies.

O’Connell, who is a member of the Ways and Means Committee, voted in support of the bill.

The bill will be considered by the full Assembly next week, and, if approved, will be sent to the Senate for final approval. If passed, it will be the first such authority in the state.
