
Help for the Hungry

* We want to salute The Times for bringing attention to three unheralded programs that help hungry families. “Food Stamps: America’s Rising Gauge of Lean Times,” on Aug. 8, “Credit for Working Poor Exemplifies Tax Burden Shift,” Aug. 10, and “Hard Times Increase Reach of Summer Lunch Program,” Aug. 16, gave readers increased understanding of these key anti-hunger programs.

The Southern California Interfaith Hunger Coalition led the ranks of countless concerned citizens in Southern California who successfully worked for the passage of the Mickey Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act, included in the recently passed 1993 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA). It also included $20.8 billion for expansion of the earned-income tax credit, as well as funds for childhood immunizations and child welfare/family preservation services.

The passage of the Leland bill is significant because it is the single most important piece of anti-hunger legislation passed in over 16 years. It will reduce barriers for food stamp applicants and recipients, particularly those, who in areas like Los Angeles, pay high shelter costs.



Associate Director

Interfaith Hunger Coalition

Los Angeles
