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*** 1/2 “Gypsy Guitar: The Legacy of Django Reinhardt” (Shanachie, 52 min., $24.95.). This sumptuously photographed, beguiling film explores the continued affection for the music of the French Gypsy guitarist, who died in 1953 at age 43. The compelling piece utilizes performance shots--filmed in Europe--archival photos and accompanying footage, all underpinned by an informative script. The inspired and alluring music comes from players known--Bireli Lagrene, Babik Reinhardt, the master’s son--and unknown: the prodigious Stochelo Rosenberg, a Dutch artist who could be considered the Sonny Rollins of Djangology. ** “Return of the Brecker Brothers: Live in Barcelona” (GRP Video, 60 min., $29.95.). Old favorites and new selections highlight the first tour by the Breckers--trumpeter Randy and saxman Michael--in a decade. The leaders glow, they blaze: Randy hurls steaming strands of notes on “Above and Below,” Michael unleashes deliciously hot potatoes on “Some Skunk Funk.” The able supporting cast includes keyboardist George Whitty, guitarist Mike Stern and drummer Dennis Chambers. The sound is first-rate but the use of excessive camera angles and effects--such as B&W; slow-motion close-ups--is annoying.

Items are rated on a scale of one-star (poor) to five star (classic).
