
San Marino : City to Limit Trash Haulers

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The City Council has voted to limit the number of trash haulers in San Marino to two and charge those firms an extra fee to cover recycling costs and legal bills stemming from a Monterey Park landfill lawsuit.

Under a plan approved by council members, the additional $2.50-a-month fee per household will not be passed to homeowners.

The agreement, yet to be signed by haulers Rodriguez Brothers and Community Disposal, limits monthly trash pickup charges to $29 a month. Trash fees now average $28.50, said Debbie Bell, assistant city manager. She said the companies have made a commitment to the plan.


In addition, the City Council has approved a police reserve program to bolster its 30-member Police Department.

Reserve officers will not be paid, but the program is expected to cost $20,000 for administration, testing and equipment.
