
LAKE VIEW TERRACE : Residents Want Plan for Hansen Dam Area

A comprehensive plan to restore the Hansen Dam Recreation Area is one of the top issues the Lake View Terrace Improvement Assn. wants addressed under the new administration of Mayor Richard Riordan.

Members say the reconstruction of the city-run park must be made a priority to ensure a safe recreational outlet that could bring employment and enhance the image of Lake View Terrace and surrounding communities.

“The revitalization of that area is imperative to the northeast Valley for the jobs it will bring back and the reshaping of its image,” said Sandy Hubbard, co-president of the 250-member association.


Members say they would also like to see the area’s new representative, Councilman Richard Alarcon, work on improving basic municipal services. High on the list are increased police coverage and graffiti cleanup.

“We need to have increased services out here,” said member Eileen Barry. “We share one police car with Sunland-Tujunga.”

Since many of the concerns in Lake View Terrace overlap those of nearby communities, Hubbard supports an idea proposed by Alarcon during the campaign to form a neighborhood council made up of organizations from northeast San Fernando Valley communities.


“By creating bonds between the neighborhoods, we can care once again about each other,” Hubbard said.
