
WOMEN AND POWER : Peace and Violence : Female Nobel Peace Prize Recipients

1905: Bertha von Suttner, Austria

1931: Jane Addams, United States (with Nicholas M. Butler, United States)

1946: Emily Greene Balch, United States (with John R. Mott, United States)

1976: Mairead Corrigan and Betty Williams, Northern Ireland

1979: Mother Teresa, India

1982: Alva Myrdal, Sweden (with Alfonso Garcia Robles, Mexico)

1991: Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar

1992: Rigoberta Menchu, Guatemala

Female-Related Violence

* Battering is the greatest single cause of injury among U.S. women, accounting for more emergency room visits that auto accidents, muggings and rape combined.

* In India, there were 11,259 dowry-related murders in the last three years, according to government statistics.

* A recent national survey found that each hour, 76 American women over the age of 18 are raped--683,000 rapes per year. One in five American women is likely to be a rape victim in her lifetime. Sources: U.N. Development Program’s “Human Development Report 1993”; the Global Campaign For Women’s Human Rights
