
Issue: How Will the Election of Richard Riordan as Mayor Affect the City?

<i> Compiled by Elston Carr</i> , <i> Times community correspondent</i>

Manuel Motta

Highland Park, unemployed

“I think Riordan is out for himself. He doesn’t care about people of other races or of the lower class. His election isn’t going to make things better. Los Angeles is going to get worse. If he puts money back into the community then we’d have a better L.A., but he won’t do that. He’ll put money in his community, in Beverly Hills homes or whatever.”


Shirley Nelson

Southwest L.A., unemployed “I think he should help poor communities, but I don’t think he is going to do anything. With his . . . (drunk-driving) tickets, I don’t trust him. Maybe he’ll do little things for the black and Latino community, but he won’t do anything about things like the gang problem and to help people getting jobs.”


Glenn Gosnell

West L.A., print shop owner “He is a hard-working guy and I hope that he can do what he promises. I’d say he’s really planning to change thing for the better. Somebody needs to do something from L.A.”



Jerry Woods

Crenshaw “I feel that he’s more equipped to handle the situations that are at hand. He has a vision and can work with the other city administrators in the city to bring about changes like finding jobs and bringing business into the area. I just have so much confidence in him.”
