
* Maggie Hemingway; British Novelist, Author of ‘The Bridge’

Maggie Hemingway, 47, a British novelist honored for her first book, “The Bridge.” A distant relative of American author Ernest Hemingway, Miss Hemingway won the Royal Society of Literature’s Winifred Holtby Memorial Prize for “The Bridge” in 1986. The book was a fictional account of a love affair between the Victorian painter Philip Wilson Steer and a married woman, and was made into a movie in 1992. A native of Oxford, England, Miss Hemingway spent part of her childhood in New Zealand, but returned to England and graduated from Edinburgh University. Her other novels include “Stop House Blues,” “The Postmen’s House,” and her final work, “Eyes,” which will be published in July. On May 9 in London of aplastic anemia.
