
Senators on Gays in the Military

I read with shame the account of Sens. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and John Warner (R-Va.) touring various Navy ships to poll the enlistees concerning the military’s ban on gay men and women (May 11). From Sen. Strom Thurmond’s (R-S.C.) callous remark that those men and women who have been, continue, and wish to serve their country “aren’t normal” to the sailors’ dire prophecies of violence if the ban is lifted, I am sickened by the utter lack of courage in the ranks below the President.

In the face of cold facts establishing that the presence of gay men and women has caused no problems, either here or abroad, we get parade videos and Jim Crow-style warnings about damage to our moral fabric. Too bad the Navy didn’t have enough of that fabric to cover up the Tailhook incident.


West Hollywood
