
Compromise on Desert Bill

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Regarding the desert “protection” legislation (S-21) that is pending, one must keep in mind that the reason that this legislation was defeated so many times in the past was because it was and is poor legislation that only serves as political pandering to a few special interest groups, and does nothing to protect the desert from those who are actually harming it. Feinstein needs legislation--any legislation--with her sponsorship on it to be enacted, in hopes that the additional feather in her cap will help her win reelection in two years.

As The Times points out, over 4 million acres of “roadless lands” would be designated wilderness, which means no vehicular access.

And, how many federal tax dollars is it going to cost to add 3 million acres to the National Park Service system? Certainly more than we can afford.


S-21 needs to be defeated again.


Fountain Valley
