
Coexistence in Israel

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Michael Parks’ article, “Coexistence in Israel Nurtured by U.S. Fund” (April 24), is uplifting and speaks highly for the future of Israel in particular and the Middle East in general.

One correction, however, is needed. Parks quotes an Abraham Fund official as saying, “Of all the money that goes to Israel each year, nothing specifically goes to fund coexistence between Jews and Arabs. . . .”

The Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles, through its Project Renewal program, funds a number of urban renewal projects in Israel. One current project is located in Ajami-Lev Yaffo, a community of Israeli Arabs and Jews within Tel Aviv. For the last six years, the local Jewish community has contributed over $400,000 per year to Ajami-Lev Yaffo for such cooperative projects as a Head Start program, premarital counseling classes, renovation of the first child development center in the area to serve both Arabs and Jews, and a prenatal and pediatric center that serves 500 Jewish and Arab families.


Through such innovative programs as Project Renewal Jews are able to become active partners in nurturing Jewish-Arab coexistence, a critical factor as we enter this new round of peace negotiations.


Project Renewal, Jewish Federation

Council of Greater Los Angeles
