
PIP Defended by Franchisee

As the owner of the PIP Printing store in Encino, I took great exception to the story published about my franchise in the April 20 Valley Business edition.

The misleading comments regarding PIP’s support of its franchise network are without merit and have had a negative impact on my business’ image and credibility. There is another side to the story that deserves to be told.

I have owned my PIP Printing franchise for five years.

During this time I have poured my heart and soul into building a profitable business. My hard work is paying off. In 1992 I was named “Business Person of the Year” by the Encino Chamber of Commerce.


I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today without the support of PIP. In fact, I would not be in business today if it weren’t for PIP Printing.

Last June, my store was demolished in a fire that ruined 22 other businesses in a strip center on Ventura Boulevard.

Immediate offers of help came from PIP corporate. For seven months, until my store was relocated, I kept my business going by printing at PIP’s headquarters. PIP’s management team spent considerable time working with me to rebuild my business, locate a new store site, write letters to my customers, etc.


Because of that support, my business today is close to a full recovery, generating sales revenues nearly equal to their level before the fire.

Countless other PIP franchise owners across the country would join me in stating that PIP offers some of the most comprehensive support within the franchising industry.

Your story alleged that PIP no longer offers technical support visits. To the contrary, any PIP owner can request an operations (technical), financial, marketing or sales visit by picking up the telephone. The visits are made by experts who can make recommendations for improving a store’s performance.


Your story also made reference to the elimination of regional advertising.

This was actually a positive change that benefited PIP owners. In 1987, PIP began buying all advertising nationally because it increased PIP’s advertising frequency on radio and TV and it offered franchise owners unbeatable value. For example, by purchasing advertising nationally, Los Angeles PIP owners receive 40% more exposure than if they had bought their advertising on a regional basis. This trend is repeated in cities across the country.

As a franchise owner and small businessman, I can fully sympathize with those PIP owners who have not prospered during these difficult economic times. All businesses, both franchises and independents, have been challenged to survive.

Unfortunately, franchise owners who do not make it are sometimes tempted to make their franchise headquarters the scapegoat of their problems. Too often, these owners do not take advantage of the resources available to them in training, marketing or field visits, and their businesses suffer the consequences.


This year marks PIP’s 25th anniversary. PIP Printing is a leader in the franchise community today because it responds to the rapid changes in technology and consumer demands impacting the business printing industry. I and the majority of PIP’s 600-plus franchise owners plan to keep it that way for many years to come.


Bluestein is a PIP Printing owner in Encino
