

It is truly distressing to see a professor from my illustrious alma mater offer such weak and illogical arguments for her belief that William Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare’s plays. She states that her belief is a matter of fact, but offers none to support it. Perhaps this is because there are precious few facts to support such an opinion.

There are no surviving manuscripts. He never signed his name the same way twice on the few documents that have been dredged up. Shakespeare supposedly amassed the largest vocabulary in the English language from a village grammar school. Yet he left not a single book in his will, let alone a good sized library.

Those who believe in Shakespeare as the author of the plays would be well-advised to find some facts to back their position. The argument that all the “authorities” say it is so is not very convincing, as a Caltech professor should know. After all, that was the argument used against Galileo.



Huntington Beach
